Wednesday, May 18, 2011

tender hearts...

this sketch was done by my baby sister, Belle, who authors the blog still dreaming. I find it absolutely amazing! - saying so much, with absolutely no words.  (exhale).

i hope you are treating the hearts that surround you tenderly today. one love.


C.M. Jackson said...

absolutely beautiful!!!

Anyes said...

What an inspiring sketch. She truly is an artist, like her sister Thank you for sharing, Se'Lah.

Gail said...

Hello Love

oh my, this is SO lovely. Wonderful image by your sister Belle and your words are so fitting. And yes, we all must remember to treat tenderly the hearts of those around us. Words to live by.
Love to you always

Tracey said...

i. love. it. She is truly talented!!! A family of talent, indeed. Loving the title.... :-)

ELK said...

oh my heart needs tender ..this will do it ..many blessings !!

Teach.Workout.Love said...

such a beautiful picture!!

Lyn said...

Very moving and uplifting.

Birdie said...

Se'lah this is really beautiful! Thank you for sharing!! sending love!

One Woman's Thoughts said...

It's fun and beautiful!

Wonderfuly amazing . . . . two talented artists in one family.

Operaton You said...

Wow! It is so deep with meaning, but yet so tender and soft!

Hi Se'Lah! I sure missed blogland, and I miss being her in ths necessary place to share love!

You know I love you!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh my. I love that :-)
xo jj

Anonymous said...

Wow .. what a stunning and loving picture!

Elizabeth Halt said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I love it.

A Box of Chocolates said...

oh wow Se'Lah this is just gorgeous heading on over to check out her blog now.

margie said...

i had a sister, who had a sister who we shared. xoxo

Tracy said...

Wow...your sister Belle is a wonderful artist, Se'Lah... I love the dreaminess of this painting...such fun! Lovely to be back and catching up with you here after our travels. Missed your wise words here... Hope we can chat soon, my friend ((LOVE & HUGS))