Tuesday, February 5, 2013

one love...

blessed earth strong, Fada Bob!

*in the spirit of LOVE, if you have not already done so, please take a moment to stop by and wish our dear Empress Christina all the best as she sadly closes the doors of Soul Aperture...love you Empress.


Chris O said...

Thank you for letting us know about Soul Aperture. While it saddens me to hear she will not be blogging I fully understand her decision. It's hard to move on and/or step out of your comfort zone to try something else or to just take a break. Soul Aperture was always a place I went when I needed a shot of a peaceful, slower pace of life. I will never forget you Christina! Wishing you and your family only the besst!!!!

Tracy said...

Thank you for the Bob Love! And for letting us know about Christina. :o) LOVE YA ((BIG HUGS))

Joanna Jenkins said...

I was sad to see Christina won't be blogging anymore. She's a wonderful lady a great spirit and a very talented photographer. I have my fingers crossed that she changes her mind and checks in from time to time.

Sending YOU hugs, xo jj

Marilyn Miller said...

I was sorry to see her go.

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