Thursday, November 7, 2013

Haiti, i see you...

who will speak up for these innocent children?
my heart simply breaks at the cruelty of men.
haiti.  i see you.  i stand with you
and your future, these very innocent children.

sending positive vibes your way.  one love.


Unknown said...

Yes, lady. We all need to be watchful of Haiti (and the Philippines).

Relyn Lawson said...

It's Thanksgiving Day, and our family eats an early dinner instead of lunch. Just now there is a lull between the hectic preparations and all the guests arriving for the meal. I wanted to take some of that time to visit my blogging friends. I needed to say thank you. Thank you for the inspiration you provide here in your place and for the comments you leave behind when you visit mine. Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

Marilyn Miller said...

Stopped by to say hello.
Hope you are doing well.
Please take care of yourself.