Friday, January 2, 2009

32 degrees Farenheit...

So, apparently my car is not yet winterised. How do I know? My windshield was really dirty from snow residue. I wanted to start my day (and the new year) out with a fresh, clean view of the world so I decided to squirt some washer fluid ... nothing. I squirt again, and again and again... still nothing. That's when I realised that the washer fluid is frozen in the lines because it's freaking 10 degrees Farenheit outside.

In my abundant wisdom, I reach over for my bottle of water and poured it on the windshield with the wipers on. Not only did my sleeves get wet in the freezing cold but the damn water immediately turned to ice all over the windshield. So, as I stood out there scraping off the ice with the tip of my broken scaper, I remembered my daughter's "pet ice" project and the fact that not so long ago (a few weeks really), I taught her that water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit.

One Love, Se'Lah


Anonymous said...

Duh! LOL! also freezing our butts off down here in nyc!

Operaton You said...

"Duh!" is right. Go Ms. Fix everything..LOL. Do gas stations still have those manual windshield wiper thingings? LOL.

Anonymous said...

I did that same thing. LOL
The brain freezes when it's cold.
Genuis arrives more often when it's warm. So it's okay, smile.

Anonymous said...

LOL, that is hilarious!