After two weeks of rain, much of New England has experienced record-shattering rainfall. Flood waters flow all around. Sink holes have appeared where streets once bustled with people in a rush to go nowhere. Among other disastrous consequences are many homes now left without heat, hot water or electrical power. I can't imagine what it's like for those who live on the streets.
The rainy season has also arrived in Haiti. Over 1.3 million people are still homeless, many living among the muddy, overcrowded grounds of tent cities. Men, women, and children. There remains nearly five hundred and eighty eight million dollars ($588,000,000) of Haitian relief funds sitting, just sitting, in the accounts of some charitable organisations like the American Red Cross - their executives explaining that there is no rush in spending this money, as they need to save it for the long term rebuilding efforts. (Excuse me?) I think the people of Haiti, who are enduring each day in some of the most uninhabitable conditions, may see things a little differently. The earthquake already took the lives of two hundred and thirty thousand (230,000) of their loved ones. These survivors are alive today. But many of them will surely die long before the rebuilding efforts begin unless there is immediate intervention. So tonight, I shall be writing a letter to my local charitable organisations to raise my voice for the people of Haiti. and i continue to pray...