Sunday, January 11, 2009

Round Tuit...

This weekend, I received my very first "Round Tuit". Peculiar little thing, but still thought I'd share. Not sure if it will work for you. Still curiously staring at mine...

This is a Round Tuit. Guard this Tuit with your life as they are hard to come by - especially the round ones! It will help you become a more efficient person. For years I have heard people say, "I'll do it as soon as I get a Round Tuit". Now that you have one, you can accomplish all those things that you have put aside until you get A Round Tuit.

One Love, Se'Lah


Operaton You said...

Yeah! I have a Round Tuit and God knows I needed it. This is great. Now, I need to get busy, one step at a time. Thanks for sharing it!

Operaton You said...

By the way, love the music section... Listened to them all and it was soothing...

Anonymous said...

i need one of these....