Thursday, December 31, 2009
happy new year...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
just saying hi...
Be back soon with the results of the *Gift of Jewels* giveaway. So, if you already haven't entered, you still have time to do so. Feel free to enter as many giveaways as you wish by January 6, 2010. The chosen few will be announced on January 7, 2010...along with another special surprise.
*please click on the blog name below to link the respective gift.
Tracy, Pink Purl
Gayle, Planet M Files
Beth, Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken
Se'Lah, Necessary Room
Margie and Kath, Souers du Jour
Vchelle, Operation You
Christina, Soul Aperture
Marilyn, Delights of the Heart
Lala, My Castle in Spain
Tara, Paris Parfait
One Love.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Conscious Friday: blessings to one and all...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
BONUS *Gift of Jewels*: paris parfait...

*To read more about the *Gift of Jewels* Giveaway, click here.
Monday, December 21, 2009
BONUS *Gift of Jewels*: my castle in spain...
I remain utterly amazed to see so many giving selflessly of themselves in order to touch the life of another. I know just the person who would be delighted to receive this handmade jewel, even if it will arrive in their mailbox after christmas day...
Would you like to receive a holiday greeting card from Spain?
For your chance to win this greeting card, please leave a comment on this post. Entries will remain open until January 6, 2010 and the randomly selected winner will be announced on January 7, 2010.
*To see Lala's new holiday cards collection, click here.
*To read more about the *Gift of Jewels* Giveaway, click here.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
inspirational monday: scenes of today...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Conscious Friday: the christmas spirit...
i ripped the plastic off of my new johnny cash: The Christmas Spirit CD and popped it in. i could hardly wait to hear the little drummer boy. my friend hermie and i would always listen to this song together. the thought of the poor boy was just too much to bear, but it was a reminder we needed to give ourselves as to how fortunate we really are. can never forget.
i sent hermie a text the moment it came on, "listening to johnny cash xmas album and thinking of u!" she quickly answered that she was running to find her copy so she could listen to it. i smiled and felt all warm inside because in that moment, she reminded me just why i loved her so much.
the next song, ringing the bells for jim, however is the one that really knocked me off keel. the words were so heavy, my arms buckled and i just couldn't hold on to them. uncontrollable emotions leaked from my soul. i wasn't expecting this. you see, it reminded me that at this very hour, my very dear sisterfriend BJ continues to live with an incurable form of cancer. i earnestly pray for her and all others who are touched by this sometimes unforgiving disease. i pray and pray and pray. won't you join me please?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
all shall be well...
and the road gets dark
with peace and love
all shall be well.
*Buju Banton & Sizzla: All Shall Be Well
*Buju Banton: Mary
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
BONUS *Gift of Jewels*: operation you...

For your chance to win this jewelled Princess Tiana poster, please leave a comment on this post. Entries will remain open until January 6, 2010 and the randomly selected winner will be announced on January 7, 2010.
*To see more of De'Mika's creations, please visit De'Mika's Artwork, where she features some of her jewelled posters available for purchase.
*To read more about the *Gift of Jewels* Giveaway, click here.
Monday, December 14, 2009
filled with love...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Inspirational Monday: the last flower...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Conscious Friday: the giving spirit...
*Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend my dear friends.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
BONUS *Gift of Jewels*: delights of the heart...
*To see more items in the *gift of jewels* giveaway, click here.
Monday, December 7, 2009
*Gift of Jewels* Giveaway: soul aperture...

*To see more items in the *gift of jewels* giveaway, click here.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
*Gift of Jewels* Giveaway: operation you...

*To see more items in the *gift of jewels* giveaway, click here.
Friday, December 4, 2009
*Gift of Jewels* Giveaway: souers du jour...

*To see more items in the *gift of jewels* giveaway, click here.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
*Gift of Jewels* Giveaway: necessary room...
For your chance to win the secret *gift of jewels*, please leave a comment on this post. Entries will remain open until January 6, 2010 and the randomly selected winner will be chosen on January 7, 2010.
*Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
*Gift of Jewels* Giveaway: be yourself, everyone else is taken...
The winner of today's giveaway will select one of these original canvas wall art, hand-painted and donated by our beloved Beth. Measuring 11" x 14", either of these acrylic paintings will enhance the personal charm of your interior space. Ooooh, I wonder which one you'll choose?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
*Gift of Jewels* Giveaway: planet m files...
Monday, November 30, 2009
*Gift of Jewels* Giveaway: pink purl...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

As I stroll through blogland, I have formed some really wonderful relationships with some of you. I have certainly gained a whole new appreciation for the exponential power of love. It is no more evident that love reigns supreme around the world than through what I have seen and experienced here in blogland. You are amazing human beings who lead by example. Nuff, nuff respect.
So, one day... I had another idea. You know me and my ideas ;) I reached out to a few of my fabulous blogger friends. "When winter begins to set in here", I nervously said to them, "why don't we giveaway a few *gift of jewels*?" With absolutely no hesitation on their part, we shortly set off to make or select our gifts for you.
December 1, 2009 to December 7, 2009, I am joined by my enlisted friends to present a small *gift of jewels* package, which will be given away to one of you. Each day, one gift will be featured on this blog. You can enter as many of the giveaways as you wish by leaving a comment on the featured post. The seven (7) randomly selected winners will be announced on January 7, 2010. Entries will remain open until January 6, 2010. Best wishes.
Much Love to the *GIFT OF JEWELS* GIVEAWAY contributors.
you melt me :)
Tracy, Pink Purl
Gayle, Planet M Files
Beth, Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Taken
Se'Lah, Necessary Room
Margie and Kath, Souers du Jour
Vchelle, Operation You
Christina, Soul Aperture
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
happy harvest...
Harvest season was always a time of celebration and thankfulness. Thankful for the richness of soil. Seeds to sew. Hot, sunshiny days. Strength to carry on. And even the rainy days which watered the plants to ultimately bring us to that moment. We gave thanks and celebrated life.
Today, I give thanks to all of you who have stuck with me through one year of blogging. A most sincere *thank you*. I have been truly blessed with the most amazing friends in blogland. Please know that you are greatly appreciated.
Wishing you all a happy harvest.
One Love.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Inspirational Monday: Addy, Harriet and me...
We began flipping through the pages of the November 2009 American Girl catalogue. We perused the list of historical dolls. My daughter smiled contently when she saw Addy and commented that she was the only brown one. As we turned each page, she paused to read the description of each doll. Then something strange happened. We couldn't find Addy featured in the catalogue. All the other historical dolls were there, but Addy wasn't. After double and triple checking, we decided we'd call the American Girl company next week to inquire about what is obviously a publishing mistake.
I could see her interest pique. She quickly grabbed the holiday edition of the catalogue to see if the mistake was in there too. And I, for one, was relieved when on page 36, Addy appeared.
Beside her photo, it read, "Meet Addy Walker 1864: a courageous girl determined to find freedom and reunite her family." As politically correct as that sounds, I still had to break it down for her. "Baby, Addy was a slave girl." Her brows furrowed. "Mummy, what's a slave?"
I walked over to her closet and retrieved a vintage playset I've been saving for her, "The Story of Harriet Tubman, Conductor on the Underground Railroad." We read the enclosed pamphlet and soon after, she made the connection between Harriet Tubman and Addy Walker. I explained that even she and I are descendants of slaves. And right on cue, in a soft whisper, I heard the innocence in her voice as she asked, "Mummy, are there any slaves today?" I pray for the day when we can tell our children, "No baby, there are no slaves."
*To help stop human trafficking, please visit the Blue Heart Campaign.
*Inspirational Monday was created by vchelle over at Operation You. We miss ya Vchelle!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Conscious Friday: a little note to you...
*Various Artists: Forever loving JAH compilation
*Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
ebbs and flows...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Inspirational Monday: t.h.e. s.i.m.p.l.e. t.h.i.n.g.s...

*You can find *the simple things* at Soul Aperture. Won't you join in or simply stop by and enjoy. Give thanks Empress Christina for always being so uplifting.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
the long walk *home*...
Friday, November 13, 2009
Conscious Friday: TGIF...
*Capleton & Glen Washington: Jah Gonna Work It Out
Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
looking up...

*for more, please visit
Monday, November 9, 2009
a little hydro therapy...
a stream, trickling through the mountains
a puddle, after the rain has blessed us
a tranquil pond, lay in stillness
as empty trees bow their heads
in search of remnants
they once held
a reflection
of times
gone by
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Inspirational Monday: embracing change...
the rush of water
relaxes my soul
even the branches
have reluctantly released
the leaves from their clutches
they reveal empty nests
where tender eggs once lay
the birds now perch on treetops
gazing over the valley below
singing the most beautiful song
to usher in the morning.
Friday, November 6, 2009
for the babies...

they treasure theirs.
Conscious Friday: it can't wait...
*U2: Walk On
*Matisyahu: Burma - It Can't Wait
*Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Inspirational Monday: slower pace...
take a stroll through the park
*Inspirational Monday is hosted by vchelle at Operation You.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Conscious Friday: give thanks for life...
Thanks Sherry for the constant reminder that each day is a gift. So, let's enjoy each day to the fullest, starting today.
*Anthony B: Give Thanks
*Lutan Fyah: Give Thanks for Life
Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend.
One Love
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
thinking pink...
During the month of October, Empress Christina of Soul Aperture has invited us to share our pink thoughts every Thursday in honour of those touched by breast cancer. Faith. Hope. Love.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Inspirational Monday: inching along...

Somehow, I have inched my way all the way over to Darcel's blog, Authentically Unique.
For those of you who don't know Darcel, she authors two blogs, Authentically Unique (an unschooling blog) and The Mahogany Way. Darcel's a SAHM, has 2 beautiful girls, Nakiah and Ava, and recently announced that they are expecting baby number 3. The spirit of Sistahhood called unto me when my girl shared that she was going through the early pregnancy challenges.
I thought I'd send her some serious positive vibes through a guest post. Won't you come along with me to pay her a visit? It would mean the world to me. One Love.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Conscious Friday: can't let go...
Specifically, the Women and Children of Darfur serve as a prime example of this unyielding violence. I am so encouraged by these women and children who despite unspeakably violent circumstances continue to live their lives to the fullest capacity. I pray for them. And I will continue to raise my voice for them. Won't you please join me?
*Women of Darfur: A Tribute
*Mattafix: Living Darfur (Official Music Video)
*For more information, please visit SAVEDARFUR.ORG
*Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
pink thoughts...
every where I turned, I kept seeing pink.
I am gently reminded that we would have been
laughing and celebrating her birthday this month.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Inspirational Monday: scrap therapy...
I just go with the flow and find a way to come back to centre.
Today, I went digging through my fabric stash.
Always love to listen to the humming of my sewing machine.

I picked a few random pieces and made a quilt.
To donate to a children's fundraising auction.
I was feeling pretty random today. Usually am.
Especially when none of my boy toys win the NASCAR race.

Hope it keeps a lucky little one warm this coming winter.
Couldn't have picked a better day to start.
Just in time for the October snow.
Yes, I said snow...and it's still falling.
So, if life throws you scraps, make a quilt.
Kinda like that lemon, lemonade thingie. ;)
One Love.
*Inspirational Monday is hosted by vchelle at Operation You.
*Macro Monday is hosted by Lisa at Lisa's Chaos.
*Monday Memories is hosted by Gayle at Planet M Files.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Conscious Friday: feeling grateful...
with the unmistakable *feeling of gratefulness*.
grateful for life. grateful for family. grateful for friends.
grateful for job. grateful for shelter. grateful for food.
just grateful for anything. grateful for everything.
grateful to be alive. you feel me?
*Danny Red: Be Grateful
*Sizzla & Luciano: Jah Blessing
*Midnite: Shout That
Have a Conscious Friday and a divine weekend.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
pink thoughts...

During the month of October, Empress Christina of Soul Aperture has invited us to share our pink thoughts every Thursday in honour of those touched by breast cancer. yes we can yo!
*(artwork courtesy of my daughter)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Inspirational Monday: keeping my fingers crossed...
Less than a year ago, my very, very close friend, BJ, was diagnosed with cancer. It rocked my spirit to the core. It has been quite a journey through radical medical treatments, and yet the journey continues. I have retreated to prayer, meditation, and simply letting her know that I value her presence in my life. She has one of the most beautiful hearts ever. Always bearing her burdens, without complaint. I am so grateful and honoured that she has invited me to support her throughout this journey. I love her. And each day, I continue to pray for her. Won't you please join me?
BJ learned that she was going to be a first-time great-grandmother shortly before her diagnosis. I immediately offered to make the baby's quilt. We were so excited as we jotted to the quilt shop on lunch breaks to choose fabrics and long-arm quilt designs. I would make the quilt top and she would complete the quilt by handsewing the binding. Always such a lovely touch and perfect way to have her play a part in making her first great-grandchild's heirloom quilt.
This weekend, through tears, I completed my part of this quilt project. It will now go out in the mail to her for completion. Hope it will bring her some good cheer.
*I want to send a special "thank you" to the beautiful Tracy of Pink Purl and my most awesome pen pal from the Gift of Jewels project, Julochka of Moments of Perfect Clarity for awakening the crafter in me. I laid her down for a nap when I picked up my camera. :)
*Inspirational Monday is hosted by vchelle of Operation You.
*Macro Monday is hosted by Lisa of Lisa's Chaos.
*Monday Memories is hosted by Gayle of Planet M Files.