I have always been intrigued by Mother Nature and how she presents herself at every corner of the world. I think very deeply about small things like "some people have seasons; others do not".
I had an email exchange with Lisa from Lisa's Chaos earlier today. She described the weather there in Wisconsin (USA) for me. It was so exciting to hear what her region was like as spring approaches. (I know, my nerdiness is showing.)
Anyhow, I started thinking...why not ask you?
What's it like in your neck of the woods? I can't wait to live vicariously through you all.
To participate, please leave a link or a comment below.
My Inspirational Monday post featured photos from this past Friday.
Below, check out more photos from my neck of the woods taken this past weekend.

I love your images today! Here we had about 50 degrees, windy and cloudy until late afternoon today. Finally my crocus have made flowers, but they didn't open. I guess it's too chilly for them! Me, too!
Great post!
Did you notice that something has been missing from your blog? It might have appeared around the time I stopped commenting? I’m sorry about all that. I took a little hiatus from the blogosphere, but I couldn’t stay away too long. After a break, I had to come by again and see what you’ve been up to.
Glad that I did.
PS: Thanks for the birthday love!
we are stilling living in the world of gray. the odd sunny day but not too many. lots of muck, garbage, dirt on the roads and in peoples yards. just not quite there yet. kath on the other hand lives in the land of spring and maybe she will do a post about her spring. full of orchards and gardens and vineyards. have a great day.
There are signs of Spring everywhere especially in all of my family noses...LOL! It's warm (70s) during the day but cold (40s) at night. The trees are sparse but there are flowers blossoming everywhere. It's exciting to see glimpses of dark flourshing green and beautiful colors in between the sparseness. Happy Spring!
P.S. That last photo of you looking through the rain at the building is striking! I like how you capture all aspects of nature - life..
Love the photos!
Gray today in Michigan, 50-ish, feels chillier. We've had a lot of sun in the last days, so it's ok to have gray today. Crocus are blooming. I brought in some forsythia branches to force (a little late for that, but I couldn't wait), and they are ready to sprout. I wanted yellow!
It is raining and about 40' here. It has rained every day for about the last 3 weeks (and nearly every day for the last 5 months) and rain is in the forecast until Saturday and a chance of sun. We go by "chance of sun" this time of year instead of "chance of rain." But it's all the rain that makes this place a "Green and Pleasant Land." I live in Snohomish Washington (north of Seattle)
have a sweet day :)
Spring here (in TX, not MA) is rather fickle. She starts out frosty and wintry in the morning (42 degrees when we left the house), but turns on the afterburners and ends the afternoon with a hint of summer (high of 75 today). Sure that sounds nice, but it makes it hard to dress the kids in so many layers for school! Where does Mother Nature expect me to store all of those closthes? Spring is also rainy (a good thing in this drought) and constant allergies. The trees come out in phases - redbud and Bradford pear, then oak. Finally...um, the other ones. I shouldn't complain. I love this little green phase we get before the Drought Season (aka, summer) rolls around!
It's cold but very sunny here. It's usually sunny. We have more snow coming. :)
Lovely, moody photos! In Paris, today it was cold and sunny. The flowers are beginning to bloom and it's a relief to see the grey and gloom of winter start to lift.
I love your photos. All of the sky photos are so incredible and beautiful! We went looking for Mother Nature this afternoon to photograph for you :) We found a lot so I ended up with a long post! You can see our pictures at:
Mother Nature in our corner of the world
I hope you enjoy them, and thanks for inviting people to play this game - we had fun :)
What fun! I love seeing things around you. Can you believe it has rained all day today? :)
Thanks to all for playing my nerdy little game today ;-) I just may invite you to play again soon so we can check on the transformation of Mother Nature.
I had fun and enjoyed all your comments. Hope you did too.
Until next time...
One Love, Se'Lah
These pictures are sheer fire! Wow!
PS: Wait, I live in Wisconsin too! Heee. : )
I commented first at soeurs du jour, but thought I would copy it in over here :) well, almost copy since I had to edit.
Here in the Deep South (Mississippi) :) things are blooming (though in my yard it seems that mostly refers to dandelions) and everything is getting green .... but we frequently have cold snaps in April, so I am not committed to the Spring yet! One day it is in the 70's and the next in the 40's. Turn the heat on in the morning and throw the windows wide in the afternoon. That is Springtime in the South!
LOVE the tree and the fog pic .. WONDERFUL!
Spring in N. GA is mild, 60's and rainy! But lots of spring blossoms to be found, which makes this time of year so beautiful to photograph.
Love your images!
Here's what it is like in my neighborhood.
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