Monday, March 28, 2011

Friends of Makeda - a small RAK...


(a small Random Act of Kindness)

have you ever been touched so deeply by the loving-kindness of another that all you wanted to do was pass it on? Well, let us sit down and reason for a moment...

Several years ago, when my daughter started her preschool experience, our lives were forever touched by the most special of angels and undeniably, the most dedicated teacher I have ever met in this lifetime...her speech and language therapist, Mrs. H. Some of you who are frequent visitors of my Necessary Room might recall me discussing her here. For any parent seeking educational support for a child who requires "special needs assistance," I only pray you can find the support of a teacher like this.

In just a few months (May 2011), Mrs. H. is going to retire from decades of teaching her small preschool classroom, which is comprised primarily of children who have speech and language challenges. Significant financial contraints in the state's public education budget have not deterred her from weaving her magic, using a holistic approach to nurture these children and help them all realise their individual strengths. Needless to say, i simply adore her!

So I got this idea...before Mrs. H. leaves her classroom in May, I thought I would call upon you to help me with performing a small random act of kindness. To provide the children in her classroom some perspective about the global connectedness of humankind, and as a gesture of loving-kindness, would you please join me in sending the class a postcard from your corner of the world? They will track each postcard's point of origin on a world map kept in the classroom. At the end of the school year, the postcards will be evenly distributed to the children as a keepsake from their classroom experience with Mrs. H. It's sure to provide them something to talk about ;)

If you'd like to join me in sending these preschool children a *Friends of Makeda* postcard, please email me at and I will gladly provide you their mailing address. Please note that I have Mrs. H's permission to do this.  She would like to thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness.

All *Friends of Makeda* postcards should be mailed on
or before May 2, 2011, Teacher Appreciation Day.

As always, thank you!
One love, Se'lah.


Sherry said...

Ah, so glad that you have done this ♥

My Courageous Life said...

I would like to join...

Elizabeth said...

I would like to join.

Anyes said...

I am in too :-)

Cindy said...

I think this is a great idea, please count me in. She sounds like a wonderful woman. Hugs Se'lah

Anonymous said...

I would love to do this Se'Lah! Absolutely love it. :)


Joanna Jenkins said...

Count me "in". I'd love to send the class a postcard.
And let me know if you'd like me to post this on my blog too.
xo jj

Anonymous said...

you are amazing. and i would love to do this

SE'LAH... said...

How can I thank you more for all that you do to spread love and goodness in our world? You melt me.

*JJ - please feel free to share this RAK project with your readers.

One love

SE'LAH... said...

*Betty - absolutely. LOVE that we have new visitors participating in this random act of kindness.
The children are gonna love it!!!

*Thanks again to all of you for doing this!!!

beth said...

i would love to do this :)
can you send me the mailing address ?

Connie said...

this is absolutely something I would love to do!

Tom said...

Very nice thing you're doing. I sent you an email at and would be more than happy to participate. (I just wish I lived in a more exotic locale than New York!)

Kass said...

I've been absent from the blogging world for quite some time. So sorry I missed this marvelous opportunity.

Birdie said...

and as you already know ;-) I'm in too :-) sending lots of love.

Operaton You said...

I am excited that I got mine out on time!!! Se'Lah, you have the most amazing ideas. I know where it comes from, and you do to! The ideas are the manifestation of God (Jah), just as you are!